How to work meaningfully according to a new book

A new book examines how to find meaning in what you do and thus make what you do more than just a job.

how to work meaningfully


Working Meaningfully is a new book by Meaningful Recruitment founder Katie Redfern (pictured above), which explores how to live your best work life. So how can we find a career that lights us up? Here are a few tips courtesy of Katie.

Clarify what meaningful means for you

Redfern suggests that you make a list of your values, which for example might include family, integrity, or creativity and then try to narrow that list down to the top three.

Looking at what you’ve chosen, how do you think you can use them to contribute meaningfully to the world?

Be prepared to change and be accountable for that change

If you can build up some momentum, then that will fuel your self-belief. This kind of confidence is vital if you’re going to embrace change. You might face some opposition from your inner critic, but rather than let that take over, really listen to what that inside voice is saying. If you can define what it’s telling you from day-to-day then you can deal with it and adapt accordingly.

Redfern also highlights the need for accountability partners. If you are going to let someone down by not doing something, then you’re less likely to give up on it.

how to work meaningfully

If you persevere, change will come…

“Appreciating that persisting with challenges will make you better at tackling challenges in general,” she writes. “You’ll have a more agile and experienced approach to issues that come up and be able to make decisions based on your experiences and knowledge. You’ll find that you crumble less and quickly move to problem solving when challenges arise.

You’ll develop a growth mindset where all challenges and new information and experiences are viewed as opportunities to learn. You’ll understand that your talents and abilities can be developed if you work at it. This is in contrast to a fixed mindset where you believe that your talents and abilities are fixed.”

Adapt and (not) die

By being flexible and looking at your issues headlong, you’re more likely to develop systems to make your life easier. You’ll also be more finely attuned to when things aren’t working and how to change course. In other words, while this kind of behaviour might seem alien now, by engaging with it, it will become second nature and always be a part of your decision process.

Change is possible!

Small successes will lead to larger ones. And even making little tweaks will give you more energy moving forward.

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