AI: Work enhancement or replacement?
The narrative around the infiltration of artificial intelligence (AI) into more
Almost a third of working fathers in the UK lack access to flexible work arrangements, according to research from UCL.
The research, conducted in April 2018, found that 30% of employed fathers surveyed could not work part-time, have flexible employment hours or work in a job share. Researchers from the UCL Insitute of Education at the University of East Anglia found that the rate for women without flexible working was lower at 10%.
The research analysed data on 3,965 mothers and 4,211 fathers who were in employment and had children aged 16 or younger. The research highlighted the following differences between mothers and fathers access to flexible working:
By analysing the data, the researchers found that fathers in technical occupations were almost three times more likely to lack access to flexible working than those in professional and managerial positions.